Morteza is a highly skilled and talented motion designer. I have employed him over the last few years on a freelance basis and happily placed him on top priority jobs working on all levels from client liaison, concepts and storyboarding to creating the finished pieces. He is a rare breed in that he can handle all types of motion design and execute them with flair and his own stylish design sense, plus he does all this in good time with positive attitude throughout the process. Highly recommended!!
Richard Grant
Associate Design Director | Foxtel

Do you strive to create insane, world-class work or do just settle for mediocre when times get tough? Do you work with integrity and respect for your team or are you just focused on what’s
next for you? Are you about making a quick buck or do you strive to create work that’s going to stand out?
I ask this because I’ve worked with all of the above, and it’s rare to find someone as passionate
and talented as Morteza Shahbake. Morteza’s curiosity is infectious, his craft is world-class, and
he teaches and inspires those he works with. He operates with calm and considered intentions that bring out the best qualities in his colleagues.
Morteza is guided by a sense of possibility and wonder which is perfectly matched by his commitment to pursuing his craft. As a self-directed learner he has all the latest tools to
deliver on the team’s vision (one look at his reel and you’ll see what I mean).
Beyond being a gifted motion graphics designer, he’s a kind person that has all the right ingredients to make the magic your business needs.
Taylor Thornton
Global Creative Director | Koala
Morteza is a star! I worked closely with him on the FOX8 brand and he never ceased to amaze me, not only with his incredible design skills and beautiful style but also his ability to appreciate and add value to marketing strategy and concept development. Such a valuable asset as a Designer.
Morteza can take pride in being responsible for FOX8’s new brand design and additionally creating the distinctive ‘forward slash’ brand asset. The re-brand has been met with incredible praise from both customers and peers alike. He is an asset to any team and I hope to work with him again.
Lisa Byrne
Marketing Manager | Foxtel General Entertainment | FOX8 & The Comedy Channel
Morteza is a highly skilled and passionate designer. Fantastic to collaborate with, and a speedy operator on all motion projects I had the pleasure of working with him on. Highly recommended.
Tim Brown
Creative Manager | 
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Morteza is a very passionate designer who was a great asset to my team. He always strived for the best result in whatever he created and was an inspiration to the rest of the team.
Nick Peel
Creative Director | FOX8 Creative |
For the past year I have worked closely with Morteza Shahbake at Foxtel. Morteza is an excellent designer and fulfilled his role outstandingly. I was able to rely on Morteza, confident that projects would be completed to a high standard, on deadline. Morteza approaches his career with passion and determination, with a hunger to grow as an artist and as a technician, constantly challenged at Foxtel and always ready to take on those challenges. I believe that anyone who hires Morteza will find him as valuable an asset as we did.
John Dickinson
Senior Designer | Foxtel
Morteza has been a great asset to the Creative team, and has always delivered high quality work, working on some of our biggest projects; he has always been reliable, approachable with a great attitude and works well under pressure.
I would happily recommend Morteza to a future employee, as I consider him to be a valuable member of the team, who consistently achieved good results and delivers all expectations.
Cameron Forrester
Creative Director | Foxtel On Demand
Morteza has been a conscientious and dedicated employee producing great work and meeting his deadlines. Morteza is high capable in After Effects and producing great design work. I would highly recommend Morteza as a wonderful contributor and team player to any organisation.
Ujin Lee
Design Services Manager | XYZ Networks
Morteza, is a true “creative” and knows his software and plugins.
His timing and attention to detail is second to none.
I didn’t really want to recommend him as he may not be available when we need him.
David Byak
Owner | B-line